Homemaker Blogs

If you are on Instagram and interested in homemaking or homesteading, you might be aware of some of the homemaking accounts sharing their beautiful aesthetically pleasing lives, wearing their gorgeous flowing dress with their nails all perfect, having just finished filming their Insta-perfect morning routines for Youtube and their thousands of followers.

These accounts can be fun to watch, but I for one find them so out of touch with reality. Yes I know, Instagram is a world of aesthetically pleasing photos, videos and snippets of 15 seconds of someone’s day and that is no indication of what their whole day is like. But it can be tough to remember that and not compare your own home and feel discouraged about where you are in your homemaking journey.

So I thought I would share a few blogs I have been reading lately that keep it real and share simple posts, real life, not always staged photos, but also provide really good content. Read on to find my current favourite blogs, especially the last one!!

Down to Earth Blog - By Rhonda Hetzel

Rhonda had stopped blogging due to life changes following the passing of her husband, while checking her blog for this very post, I discovered she had published another post recently and will be continuing blogging and sharing her journey with simple living, homemaking, gardening and more! Rhonda has been blogging since 2007 and you could (and I have) spend hours and hours reading through her vast archive of posts. Rhonda has posts on gardening, homemaking, cleaning, organising and so much more.

Rhonda also has 3 published books: the simple home, down to earth and The Simple Life.

I have just gotten the first two of these books from my library and am enjoying flicking through them and finding some new ideas about things to do around my home to save money, keep life simple and make things from scratch. I’m excited about this because there aren’t many of these books or authors that are Australian. There is a world of these books but so many of them are British or American so it is nice to read books like this from an Australian author.

Grandma Donnas place

What a sweet blog this is. Just simple posts sharing recipes and stories from a Grandma which makes my heart happy given my last living Grandmother passed away recently. This blog celebrates all things old fashioned and I love that. She shares recipes, organisation tips, gardening information and so much more. This blog is such a sweet happy place on the internet. I read this imagining visiting Grandma Donnas place and having a cup of tea and listening to her stories.

Joyful Homemaking

I love a blog that gives me realistic hope that I can actually do the projects they are sharing! When it is all a little too polished, I get stage fright and don’t feel like I can live up to the pressure. (Completely internal pressure, but you know…. those voices are loud in there!)

This blog has a treasure trove of real life posts with some great ideas of ways to organise your home and your time. She also has ALL the recipes, check out this post with all the kitchen organisation tricks, I picked up a few new ideas for my kitchen from this post!

Joyful abode

This blog is a lovely one filled with crafts, family and food.

I appreciate posts like this one that contains 27 ideas on how to style a book shelf. I am working on learning how to style my home properly, rather than just dump things on a shelf because there is nowhere else to put it. I want to learn to make things look beautiful as well as be functional.

The Art of Doing Stuff

I have tried to share more Australian blogs to help promote my fellow Aussie, but when I came across this blog, it quickly became my favourite and I can’t leave it out. With a tagline like ‘For People Who Like to Sweat, Swear & Do Stuff”, I knew I found my kind of place on the internet! Karen from The Art of Doing Stuff is brilliant, hilarious and beautiful! What a mix. Check her out and get her emails, she will make you laugh in the first one, I promise!

Read through her Homemade Mayonnaise post and tell me she isn’t hilarious and you wish she were your real life friend!?!?

Well I hope I have helped you find some new blogs to read while you enjoy that morning coffee and get your daily dose of homemaking inspiration. I know these blogs have helped me with different ideas and inspiration and I hope they can do the same for you too.

Do you have a Homemaking Blog you love? Share it with me! I’d love to find more real life bloggers sharing their lives and homes.

Happy Homemaking Friends!


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